European Parliament Press Seminar. European elections. Choose your Future-Thistimeiamvoting volunteers

European Parliament Press Seminar. European elections. Choose your Future-Thistimeiamvoting volunteers from the Member States

From 9 to 10 April, in Brussels there will be the «Choose your future» event where we have met different volunteers of  This time I’m voting from all the countries of the European Union.

For several months I have been a volunteer in This time I’m voting in Luxembourg, with the aim of encouraging voting in the European elections of  2019, from Luxembourg. You can see an example of this in the Dancing For Europe event.

This weekend I have been given the opportunity to participate in this great seminar about the european elections. Where I have been able to meet the representatives of the volunteers from the rest of the countries of the European Union.

On the 9th of April, we had the first meeting of all the volunteers, where we did Facebook Live and we  explained the different actions that had been carried out in some European countries.

European Parliament Press Seminar. European elections. Choose your Future-Thistimeiamvoting volunteers from the Member States

european elections

Afterwards we had a time in which we were able to talk with the different volunteers of  This time I`m voting. It was quite interesting, since we were able to share the experiences of each one, the state of the campaign in the different countries of the European Union and acquire new ideas. On the other hand we also knew the reality of each of the European countries in relation to the democratic processes and the vision of Europe in each of the countries.

The second day was planned with seminar and meetings with the journalists. One of the most important moments was when the President of the European Union, welcomed us to the event, commented on the three key points in Europe and encouraged participation in the European elections, since the change is in our hands.

From my point of view, I discovered many things at the level of the campaign and the projects that have been developed and developed in Europe by the European Parliament. But I also felt very proud to be part of the European Union, to be part of this process of change, since the change is in our hands and we have the power to decide and the European Union has different tools to help us.

One of the things that I highlight from this new experience is to meet young people from all over Europe with big concerns, big projects and with lots of energy to build together a better Europe and with this we will build a better world. And finally I encourage all of you who are reading me to vote in these European elections, since the change is in your vote, the change is in you, you are the ones who can change the future. Also, if you want to share the information to ask yourself why to vote,

I think one of the most beautiful parts of these projects is to share these thoughts and make this that seems far away from us is close and we have the opportunity to make the change. If you want to keep informed you can follow the following social networks.

 Choose your Future.


Photo: ©European Union 2019 – EP/photographer